Carbon Acumen LLC (together with any subsidiaries and/or affiliates, “Carbon Acumen,” “Our” or “Us”) is an independent business organization with no affiliations to or endorsements of the companies and organizations it may mention in the services it provides (“Services”).
All “Content” (as defined below) appearing on the Carbon Acumen website currently located at (“Website”) or in files or documents made available through the Services from this Website are based on Carbon Acumen’s internal analyses and solely reflect the opinions of Carbon Acumen.
The information, data, analyses, observations and opinions, including without limitation any charts and figures, presented through the Carbon Acumen Website (“Content”) are provided to you as Our users and members (“You” or “Your”) for information purposes only. Carbon Acumen has not taken any steps to ensure that all Content provided through the Website are suitable for any particular type of policy maker, equity analyst, project financier, market participant, trader, producer of fuel, money manager or any other related businesses and organizations. No Content provided through the Services or Website constitutes investment, legal, accounting or LCFS credit-related trading advice. The Content contains general information that does not take into account Your individual circumstances or needs, nor does it represent a personal advice or recommendation to You. The Content may not be suitable for You and it is recommended that You consult an independent LCFS advisor if You are in doubt about such content.
The Content presented through the Services or the Carbon Acumen Website has been obtained or derived from sources We reasonably believe to be reliable, but Carbon Acumen makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to their accuracy, adequacy, compliance, authority, usefulness, legality, reliability, timeliness or completeness. Carbon Acumen accepts no liability for loss arising from the use of such Content and makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to results that may be obtained from such Content. These disclaimers apply to both isolated and aggregated uses of all such Content and any other information provided through the Services or Website.
You acknowledge and agree that past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance. Any Content available through the Services or Carbon Acumen Website reflects a judgment at its original date of publication by Carbon Acumen and is subject to change without notice.
Carbon Acumen may have and may in the future provide updates on any such Content that is inconsistent with, and reach different insights from, the previous Content that was presented. At any given time, Content accessed through the Carbon Acumen Website may reflect different assumptions, views and analytical methods of Carbon Acumen. Carbon Acumen is under no obligation to ensure that changes to the Content are brought to the attention of any User.
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The Carbon Acumen Website or Content may contain or provide addresses and hyperlinks to other Internet sites not operated or controlled by Us. Carbon Acumen is not responsible for the content or privacy procedures of these other sites. Except to the extent to which such websites refer to Carbon Acumen Content, Carbon Acumen has not reviewed the linked site and takes no responsibility for the content therein. Such address or hyperlink (including addresses or hyperlinks to Carbon Acumen Content) is provided solely for Your convenience, and any information and content of linked websites do not in any way form part of the Carbon Acumen Content. Accessing such websites or following such hyperlinks through the Services or Carbon Acumen Website shall be at Your own risk.
Please see Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for additional information and terms (in addition to these Disclosures) regarding Your use of the Carbon Acumen Website, Services and Content.
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